15, 21 aout, the past as prelude

Publié le par Duir

THE PAST AS PRELUDE — A Prophets Conference Journey
to Britain's Ancient Sacred Sites
with Freddy Silva & special guest Leo Rutherford
15-21 August 2009

Full Expedition Information is Linked at greatmystery.org/events/salisbury09.html

Presented by greatmystery.org

During the Prophets Conference Ancient Sacred Site odyssey of Southern England, our outstanding group teacher Freddy Silva will be joined by Leo Rutherford, a well-known student and practitioner of shamanism who will be leading us in shamanic sunrise ceremony within the stone circle at Stonehenge, one of the most mysterious and powerful places in Celtic history and legend.

Our Ancient roots are shamanism wherever we live and whatever sort of culture we have grown up in. It is our spiritual heritage. Look back far enough in time and all of us come from shamanistic cultures. Long before such recent concepts as organised religion, humans sought understanding and knowledge of the wider universe using a variety of experiential ways and tools which are just as applicable today as ever. These practices are still in use in a surprisingly large number of places in the world and many shamans of indigenous cultures are now teaching Westerners.

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on planet earth for maintaining healing and harmony in society and the individual and keeping our connection with mother earth and all creation. Our outer world may be different, but our human inner landscape has the same components as always. Our outer health and wholeness is an expression of our inner health and holiness. We are here to bring spirit into matter and matter to spirit.

The shamanic ceremony is an ancient but eternally relevant way to contact the timeless reality that exists parallel to and just out of sight of the world we so mistakenly call the 'real world'. It is here in the everyday that we experience the reflections of who we are, of our actions, our deepest beliefs, our 'dreams', but it is in the non-manifest world of the spirit that the hidden causal interactions take place. Hidden, that is, until we begin to open the doors and 'see' with an expanded vision.

For us, at our private dawn ceremony at Stonehenge, as sentient modern day beings, we will tune into the energies that are there and open ourselves to knowledge through experience. Through the act of ceremony — by stopping the world — we will attune ourselves to the ancient energies present and invite them to speak to us and through us. It is our ancestors who created this amazing place and we can call back in time to them for guidance in the present day. We exist only because of our ancestors and our ancestors continue to exist through us. Let us see what we can do to collapse time and vision into the past so that we come to see our present more clearly.

Leo Rutherford founded Eagle's Wing Centre for Contemporary Shamanism in 1987 after training with such respected teachers as Hyemeyohsts Storm, Harley Swiftdeer, Prem Das, Gabrielle Roth, and Joan Halifax. More recently he has trained with Don Eduardo Calderon, an Inca shaman in Peru. His teachings are rooted in Native American (North, Central, and South) traditions, with particular emphasis on the medicine wheel and the teachings of the ancient Mayans. Rutherford is the author of four well regarded and readable books exploring shamanism.


During The Prophets Conference Southern England Sojourn, you will be taken back in time to immerse yourself in ancient civilizations with fundamentally different world views than the one with which you find yourself engaged today. Many who travel back with us through the mists of time reach realizations that could be accounted for as past life memories. This may be your case, and you will find certainty when you enter the rings of Stonehenge and Avebury or the barrows and pagan power places atop hills and beneath cathedrals. Looking down from the top of the Glastonbury Tor you find yourself transported back to the time that this was the magic Isle of Avalon. Like many who have gone before, you find solace in this ancient way of seeing. In so doing, you bring back to today fresh perspectives empowering and enabling your engagement with the fundamental changes taking place within yourself and your world. The past becomes prelude to something that could be wonderful.

Full Expedition Information is Linked at greatmystery.org/events/maya09.html


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